Monday, February 4, 2008

buh bye

I write this from the floor of our new apartment, furnished with a single lamp and an air mattress.

After a long process of researching, packing, making phone calls, and tearing our hair out, we've finally managed to complete all the necessary steps to properly move ourselves and all of our possessions to the opposite side of the country.

Some crowning moments of the last couple of weeks include:
  • Lots of good outings and meals with friends that we will miss.
  • Surviving the "farewell roda" from my capoeira class without sustaining significant physical injury.
  • Convincing the movers they had to absorb the $600 cost of the two parking tickets they incurred while transporting our stuff.
  • Acquiring a satisfactory apartment in SF, sight-unseen, having Internet hooked up the day we moved in, and not paying even a single day's worth of double rent.
We're in town for good now, so if you're local feel free to look us up. I'll be sending an email out in the next couple of days with our new address, etc.