Thursday, October 18, 2007

Paving the road to hell

I've finally done it. I've joined the blogging community. The blogosphere. Blogorific.

Welcome. Those who know me well know that my memory is expansive but often plagued with recall failure. And they also know I have a wit so sharp it's like .. um .. some really cutty thing. Anyway, this is step one in helping to document random bits of information that I want to remember and care to share with others.

With friends and family on both coasts and little time for synchronous conversation with all of them, I hope this lets me stay better connected to the people in my life that I may not see on a daily or weekly basis. So if you'd like to keep somewhat current on the goings-on then please subscribe, put it in your Google Reader, or what have you. I'll try to keep it somewhat interesting and not add any narcissism beyond what's already required for the act of blogging.

Note: I originally started this blog to make a little journal for our trip to Hawaii this last spring and am reviving it for the new purpose. So if you want to see pictures and musings from our trip, check out the archives.

Song of the moment:
The Narrator - Surfjew. Man, I bet these guys rock live.

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