Monday, October 29, 2007

Two tickets to paradise

So, Jamie has to do a video shoot in Mallorca, one of the Mediterranean islands off the coast of Spain. What a shame, she'll have to spend two whole weeks there shooting video for some new hair commercials. And, worse yet, I'm going to have to take a long weekend to come meet her in the middle of all that, and pass some time on that beautiful little island. I think we're going to have to spend our hours of leisure at this luxury hotel sipping wine and eating delicious fresh seafood, all on her company's dime. Alas.

I'll send a (virtual) postcard. :P

All boasting aside, the shoot is going to be a lot of work for her - several back-to-back 14-hour days of nonstop work. I'm there to provide a much needed distraction during the interim. And perhaps to go spelunking! Lots of caves there, apparently - the most famous being Dragon's Cave. I'll be in adventurer's heaven; I just better remember to pack my +2 lamp of eternal geekdom.

Song of the moment: Maserati - 12/16. Instrumental rock - put this album on while coding and you'll forget where time went. I love comparing bands to combinations of other bands. I'd have to say this one is Jimmy LaValle (of Tristeza, Album Leaf) meets Blue Man Group. See what you think.

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