Sunday, November 11, 2007

sand in my shoes

So here it is, Palma de Mallorca. This island is much bigger than I imagined - it's probably a bit bigger than Kauai. About a million people live here, but in the high tourist season that number swells 10x. This is a pretty sweet time to be here, there are no crowds and the weather is nice, a lot like San Francisco or Barcelona, actually. The only drawback is it's not warm enough to swim.

This is such a neat place because it's like a n old European city, and yet it has beautiful beaches, nice weather, palm trees, amazing views, and really great produce.

What you're seeing here is the beach in the main city of Palma, we're walking toward the neighboring district of Portixol where supposedly there's a great seafood shack. It turned out that "the shack" was all reserved for lunch so we couldn't eat there, but we had a great meal at a nearby hotel restaurant, right off the beach, called Azul Playa.

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