Thursday, March 8, 2007


(Note: I've backdated all of these Hawaii posts to some appropriate time, since I was unwilling to involve myself with computers during this trip, and needed to post these when I got back.)

We've just landed in Hawaii, and damn is the weather nice. It's humid but not hot. I love how the airports here are essentially covered outdoor facilities, built in the 50s or 60s. I imagine many people my parents' age must feel nostalgic when they step off the plane, since the environment seems to evoke this spirit of California in the 1960s.

Jamie and I are here for 12 days, hopping from Kaua'i to Maui to Hawaii, hoping to take in some amazing sights and relax. We (well, I should say Jamie since she's the planner, but I swear I did some work) have planned some pretty cool stuff to do. It's supposed to be the rainy season, though, so we know we're going to have to be adaptable. I'm looking forward to hiking around and seeing lava on the Big Island.

We ordinarily might not have gone at this time of year, but the catalyst for the trip is the wedding of Jamie's friend Fabian to his fiance Cynthia. They're making it a small, low-key affair on Kaua'i. I had my doubts about whether we should take the trip, but those melted away the instant I stepped into the balmy Kaua'i air.

We wanted to inaugurate our arrival with a luau, but the one at our hotel started early. So we had to carefully plan to minimize our travel time. For one thing, we carried on all of our luggage so that we would could make a tighter connection in Honolulu, and go right from the plane to the rental care place. It's been a bit of a pain carrying our luggage from flight to flight, but otherwise no biggie.

Stay tuned for more adventures in Kaua'i.

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