Sunday, March 11, 2007


If you have never been in a helicopter in your life, you should go up in one once, and you should do it in Kaua'i. And you should do it with Blue Hawaiian. This has got to be the best way to see the island. Easily one of the most thrilling and impressive experiences I've ever had. We decided that in spite of the recent crash, helicopters were still safe and it was just bad timing. There was nothing about the crash to indicate especially high risk, since we were going with a different company and on a different aircraft.

In spite of having a fear of heights, it didn't affect me at all. Surprisingly, it was Jamie that wasn't feeling so well during the ride - she's usually the calm one in these kinds of situations. Maybe it didn't help that we had to stand around for 10 minutes inhaling jet fuel right before the trip. But the ride was super-smooth, and I was too distracted by the scenery to think about the millions of ways you can die when you're suspended thousands of feet in the air by what's basically a souped-up ceiling fan.

Seriously, though, there were vistas in which I counted at least seven waterfalls. I would love to post pictures but all I have is video. Once I get a good clip up on YouTube I'll post a link here.

Note: This evening we met up with Fabian, Cynthia, Jason, and Alison, and they informed us that another helicopter had crashed on the island, only an hour after ours had taken off. Wow.

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