Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Hana Highway

It was drizzling rain today (all day) so we decided to drive the Hana Highway instead of hitting the beach. It's a long, long, long drive, because it is chock full of one-lane bridges, and I counted an average of about 20 switchback turns per mile.

That said, it's a very pretty drive, and has lots of sights to see on the way. We bought a CD guide at a gas station on the way, and it's narrated by this guy Craig who tells you about all kinds of stops and hidden detours on the way. The CD was pretty informative but Craig's nasal voice his tendency to be a complete tool was somewhat off-putting, and we looked forward to when he had no more to say. If you're thinking of driving the highway, we'll be happy to lend you the CD.

Picture of the moment: We stopped for this guy along the side of the road because who can resist fresh young coconut, cut before your eyes by a hippie with a machete? A total rip-off, and yet so worth it.

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