Tuesday, March 13, 2007

End of the road

Oheo Gulch. Waterfalls. Rocks. Swimming. Need I say more? No, but I will. This was worth the trip.

I didn't go climbing and jumping off the rocks, mostly because the climb looked arduous, and it's not like I've never been on the high dive before. Jamie opted not to get wet so as not to be miserable on the ride back. Needless to say, this was a pretty cool way to pass the time.

We got back super late - the guide books recommend doing this drive over the course of 2 or more days, and we did it all in one. The driving back at night part pretty much sucked - it's difficult to drive 15 mph knowing you have 40 miles more of that to go. Thankfully there wasn't much traffic, except for the bonehead in front of us who drove 5 mph and wouldn't let us or any of the five cars caravaned behind us pass him. Snipers, where were you?

When we passed through the town of Paia on the way back, all that was open was a little crepe place named Cafe des Amis. Well worth the stop - the crepes were ambrosia after such a long journey.

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