Saturday, March 10, 2007

Refresh, rejuvenate, relax

We took a 4-mile walk this morning with a guide from our hotel. We walked mostly along the golf course, which was gorgeous. Something about the juxtaposition of manicured nature versus the natural beauty of the unspoiled environs .. it's unbeatable.

Also, the air here has this pleasant humidity that just relaxes you - it lubricates you from the inside out.

After breakfast we took in a free martial arts stretching course at the spa in our hotel. We did some good stretches, many of which were familiar - it was almost a cross between yoga and capoeira. The course was led by this laid-back, strapping young Hawaii martial arts dude, and the other three attendees were middle-aged women who were mostly out of shape despite clearly spending lots of time at the spa. They were so familiar and even flirty with him, it seemed as though he could have been offering them additional "services" on the side. Crap, I wish I hadn't remembered that.

Picture of the day: the golf course at the Grand Hyatt hotel in Poipu. Almost makes you want to take up golf, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. Almost.

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